Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thought we'd abandoned ship, didn't ya?

Hey, gang. Just wanted to let everyone know that Inky and SKate have not given up this blog!

Last month was my turn to produce the challenge, and I frankly threw it aside due to a minor health scare (read about that here, if you wish). However, all of that's sorted out, and I'm hale and hearty and predicted to live into next week at least. So I'll take over from where I left off and propose the June challenge:

Do something fabulous

Inky and I have lives that are currently lacking in glamor. She works her tentacles off, and I chase a small creature around the house, the grocery store, the doctor's office, or anywhere else we might happen to be. So this month we shall dedicate ourselves to adding a little more oomph to our existence. Fabulousness can include making something extraordinary, going somewhere outrageous, or just wearing something that demands a cocktail and a cigarette in an ebony holder as an accessory. Whatever makes you smile and purr "Darrrrling."

So get hopping, Inky! I expect a least hot-pink nail polish and little glitter in the coming three weeks. Extra points awarded for furry stoles and RuPaul style sequinsed wiggle dresses.

P.S. - Marine life sightings in Illinois! Pics to follow:


Do you know how rare it is to see a plastic skate in an ocean diorama?

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